Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'm a Barbie and friends collector, specialising in the Mod era (1967 to about 1972-3, though I have some gals and guys from the mid 70's too!) and this is a peek into my collection. Please enjoy, stay a while and comment! I'd love to see your collection, too! 

 Even though my collection starts before 1967, let's first take a trip back to 1973, when gingham checks were considered acceptable evening attire and hair was funky!!! Mod Hair Ken and Quick Curl Barbie were always shown together in the catalogs and wish books that year (and they even made a TV commercial together! Take a look at that nice little slice of Barbie TV history below. Love how Ken turns into the 'Bad Guy' just with the addition of some funky '70's porn star' facial hair!!)

 I actually coveted my older cousin's ones when I was much younger, but they were both long gone by the time I was playing with Barbie myself. They were the first dolls on my list when I started collecting, but I quickly moved onto to earlier Mod, so never got them till now and both for a pretty low price, so I'm glad I waited! The seller didn't tell me that Barbie still has her HAIR STRING attached at the back of her head to keep her curls back from her face, as well as the hair beads (but only on one side unfortunately) so she was a bargain for only about $25 with her original dress!!! I had to re-curl her hair with her curling wand, which also came with her, and thinks she now looks good as new! Ken also came with his wrist tag and a mint and untouched felt card with all his 'porn star' moustaches, sideburns and beards still intact. I'm waiting for a close friend who is also a doll collector with a wonderful collection to come over so we can crack it open and give him some funky facial hair! Funny to think that Barbie was described as wearing an 'evening gown' which, to today's eyes. looks more like she should be working at the Darrell Lea Chocolate shop! I'll always have a special place in my heart for the early 70's so I'm so glad I finally got these two.


  1. Oh gosh, you have me craving Bo-Peeps now! Always used to get them as a kid. I am so glad you now have a Barbie blog! I love the dolls from this era as I can really imagine kids playing with them for hours. Not sure why I don't think that way about the earlier dolls. Ken looks kinda hot with that mustache in the commercial.

  2. He does, doesn't he, Dean? Yes, these ones do seem to bring back lots of memories from other collectors, from what I've heard...Thanks Deany and can't wait to see your blog! :D
